Messages and Sermons in 2016
January 2 – Message on Evolution’s Four Fatal Flaws at the Creation Science Fellowship meeting held at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Logos Building in Santa Ana, CA.
- The slides are at Evolution4FatalFlaws.ppt.
- A video recording of an earlier presentation of the lecture can be found here.
February 24 – Message on Why The Bible Is Unique during Chapel time at Grace Academy at Grace Bible Church in Marysville, WA.
- Slides/Notes are at BibleUnique7.ppt, [Notes].
March 2 – Message on Our Privileged Planet at the Apologetics Symposium meeting at Cedar Park Church in Bothell.
- Slides are at OurPrivPlanet.ppt/pdf.
March 10 – Message on Life and Information at the Association of Christian Teachers and Schools (ACTS) Northwest Regional Conference as part of the NW MinCon Conference at Overlake Christian Church in Redmond, WA. Details on the ACTS Conference can be found in the brochure [ACTS Brochure].
- Slides are at LifeInformation.ppt/pdf.
March 10 – Message on Science Truths in the Bible at the Association of Christian Teachers and Schools (ACTS) Northwest Regional Conference as part of the NW MinCon Conference at Overlake Christian Church in Redmond, WA. Details on the ACTS Conference can be found in the brochure [ACTS Brochure].
Description: We trust the Bible for spiritual truth. Prophecy, history, geography, and archaeology confirm its truth. There are also some amazingly accurate scientific statements that anticipate the science of today.
- Slides are at BibrelScience.ppt/pdf.
May 22 – Message on Darwinian Pseudoscience at the Institute for Creation Science meeting at Rivercrest Community Church in Portland, OR.
- The slides are at DarwinianPseudoScience.ppt.
- A video recording of an earlier presentation of a similar lecture can be found here.
June 24 – Message on Evolution’s Four Fatal Flaws at the Apologetics Forum meeting at Atonement Free Lutheran Church in Arlington, WA.
- The slides are at Evolution4FatalFlaws.ppt.
- A video recording of an earlier presentation can be found here.
September 11 Two messages on Sunday, Sep. 11th, at First Baptist Church in Ferndale, WA:
- Message on Life and Information during the Sunday School hour at 9:30 AM.
- Slides are at LifeInformation.ppt/pdf.
- Sermon on Why The Bible Is Unique during the Worship Service at 10:45 AM.
- Slides/Notes are at BibleUnique7.ppt/pdf, [Notes].
September 15 – Message on Life and Information at the CAPS meeting at Woodin Valley Baptist Church in Bothell, WA.
- Slides are at LifeInformation.ppt/pdf.
October 8 – Message on Science Truths in the Bible at the Missions Fest Seattle conference at Westminster Chapel on October 7-8, 2016 .
Description: We trust the Bible for spiritual truth. Prophecy, history, geography, and archaeology confirm its truth. There are also some amazingly accurate scientific statements that anticipate the science of today.
- Slides are at BibrelScience.ppt/pdf.
October 9 Message on In Defense of Our Faith at First Baptist Church in Arlington, WA:
- Sermon on In Defense of Our Faith during the Worship Service at 10:30 AM.
- Slides/Notes are at DefenseOfFaith.ppt/pdf, [Notes].
- In Defense of Our Faith Fillin.pdf/Fillout.pdf.
November 10 Message on Origins, Life and Information at the Foundations In Genesis meeting at Heritage Bible Church in Boise, ID.
- Slides at OriginsLifeInformation.ppt.