Creation vs. Evolution

Lectures on the Creation/Evolution Controversy
Dr. Heinz Lycklama

This set of presentations is suitable for use in a Sunday School class setting,  for teaching students in Bible Schools, and for others interested in learning more about the Creation/Evolution controversy from a biblical perspective.  The PowerPoint slides will help the believer defend the Bible’s teaching on Creation.  It will challenge the skeptic to take an honest look at what the Bible AND science have to say about creation.  The following questions/issues are addressed in these presentations:

Note 1:  The Creation vs. Evolution course  has been given in a Sunday School class in the US and at a number of Bible Schools in Eastern European countries over the last decade. Video recordings were not done at the site.
Note 2: This course will be given via Zoom to evangelist pastors in Pakistan starting on January 28, 2025. Video recordings will be provided for each lecture below under “here“.

  1. What is the controversy and why does it matter? – Intro.ppt/pdf, Intro-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  2. Is the Bible reliable scientifically? – Bibrel.ppt/pdf, Bibrel-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  3. What does archaeology say about the Biblical record? – Archaeology.ppt/pdf, Archaeology-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  4. What does the Bible say about creation? – Bibcreat.ppt/pdf, Bibcreat-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  5. The evidence for a global flood. – Flood.ppt/pdf, Flood-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  6. What do the physical sciences say about creation? – Scicreat.ppt/pdf, Scicreat-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  7. What do the life sciences say about creation? – Scicreat2.ppt/pdf Scicreat2-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  8. What do the earth sciences say about creation? – Scicreat3.ppt/pdf, Scicreat3-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  9. Scientific evidence for a young earth. – Young.ppt/pdf, Young-Urdu.pdf, Video recording here.
  10. The Scientific Case Against Evolution.  – EvolutionNo.ppt/pdf, EvolutionNo-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  11. Compromising theories – Theistic Evolution, Day-Age theory, etc. – Compromises.ppt/pdf, Compromises-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  12. What is Intelligent Design? – Design.ppt/pdf, Design-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  13. Ten Frequently-Used Icons of Evolution. – Ten-icons.ppt/pdf, Ten-icons-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
  14. God’s Incredible Creatures. – Creatures.ppt/pdf, Creatures-Urdu.pdf. Video recording here.
    [See also slides 9-30 courtesy of Dr. Duane Gish (ICR) – Creation, Evolution and Biology.ppt]
  15. What is the impact of evolution on our society? – impact.ppt
  16. How then should we as Christians respond? – response.ppt

Evolution is the greatest myth ever foisted on our society in the name of science.  If you wonder what your children are being taught in public school about the origin of the universe and of life, you will want to make yourself familiar with this material.  If you believe in the Bible as the infallible Word of God AND in evolution, find out the real facts.  References to web pages, books and Creation organizations are provided for those who wish to study this topic further.

Links to Lycklama Lectures and Reports:

  1. Messages and Presentations by Dr. Heinz Lycklama –
  2. Lectures by Dr. Lycklama on Creation vs. Evolution Controversy –
  3. Lectures by Dr. Lycklama on Christian Apologetics –
  4. Lectures by Dr. Lycklama on Biblical Worldview –
  5. Debate on “Does The God of The Bible Exist?” – Debate Recordings
  6. Apologetics Forum of Snohomish County (AFSC) –
  7. Independent Analysis of Global Warming – GW Report

For more information contact:

Dr. Heinz Lycklama  [Bio]
Cell:             425-501-5075
Web site:


  1. I agree. So many people seem to believe that evolution theory is a proven fact and not just a theory. We Christians need to share with the world how we are being brain washed. Great to hear from you Darlene.

  2. See this Post to understand why Evolution is NOT good science!

    — Heinz —

  3. Glen W Megargee

    I have recently been viewing your posted data from your website and have found it to be an excellent source of material in support of a young earth. I would like to know your position on radioactivity on the pre flood earth as well as comets and astroids. It is possible that you have covered this on your site but if so I missed it. Again I want to thank you for your work. May God bless and keep you.

    • I do not cover these specific topics on my website, but I do provide access to answers to common questions on topics like this on the website that I maintain. Click on the FIND ANSWERS menu item, and then click on Now enter the topics you want to search on to find articles covering these topics [radioactivity pre-flood earth, comets, asteroids] one at a time, and you should find biblical answers to your specific questions. Hope this helps.


  4. Check out the “Hydroplate Theory.” It is not popular, yet. I love it because it answers everything.

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