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Confirmed Deaths in US
Google and Apple Employ Contact Tracing to Track COVID-19 . Jeff Brown, Bonner and Partners, April 14, 2020. The data for the 2019–2020 season (the dark-blue line) shows that from the first week of February, the number of pneumonia deaths began a rapid decline. What’s going on here? Was there suddenly a cure for pneumonia? No, there wasn’t. It seems likely that pneumonia deaths are being reclassified as COVID-19 deaths… possibly in hopes of receiving a larger amount of aid from the CARES Act. Correcting recent U.S. weekly death statistics for incomplete reporting . Roy Spencer, April 6, 2020.The Virus Numbers Don’t Make Sense: Deaths from Heart Attacks, Flu, Stroke are WAAAAY Down, Why ? Patriotic Viral News, April 16, 2020.How Reliable Are the Coronavirus Numbers ? Igor Mandel, American Thinker, April 6, 2020.Whistleblower: How CDC is Manipulating the COVID-19 Death-Toll . Tyler Durden, ZeroHedge, April 10, 2020. Dr. Bukacek blows the whistle on the way the CDC is instructing physicians to exaggerate COVID-19 deaths on death certificates. Dr. Bukacek testimony here .New York Holocaust . Tony Heller, April 6, 2020. Essentially all pneumonia deaths are being counted as COVID-19 deaths, thus inflating the numbers.This Is Strange: Total US Deaths in March 2020 are Actually Down 15% from Average of Prior Four Years . Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, April 8, 2020.New Study Shows Coronavirus Infections Much Higher, Death Rate Much Lower Than Reported . Bronson Stocking, Townhall, April 17, 2020. Using their data, the team estimated that the true “infection fatality rate” of coronavirus — or the number of infected people who die from the disease — is between 0.12% and 0.2%, or between 20% and two times more deadly than the seasonal influenza (which generally kills about 0.1% of the people it infects). Way more people may have gotten coronavirus than we thought, small antibody study reveals . Tia Ghose, Live Science, April 18, 2020. Between 50 and 85 times as many people in Santa Clara County have coronavirus antibodies as have tested positive for the virus. New Your City adds 4,000 to the Wuhan virus dead by recategorizing deaths . Andrea Widburg, American Thinker, April 15, 2020.CDC Guidelines Allow Deaths to Be Attributed to COVID-19, Even If They Weren’t . Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines, April 13, 2020.Cruise Ship Outbreak Offers Data Regarding COVID-19 Mortality Rates . Jeff Brown, Bonner and Partners, April 16.How to Determine the COVID-19 Mortality Rate . Jeff Brown, Bonner and Partners, April 16.Nearly All NYC-Area COVID-19 Hospitalizations Had Comorbidities . Lisa Winter, The Scientist, April 24, 2020. The most common preexisting conditions among the patients were diabetes, obesity, and hypertension .The degree to which WHO’s mortality estimates were wrong . Jeff Brown, Bonner and Partners, April 28, 2020.CDC Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) : Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic characteristics . website, May 2, 2020.New York State Department of Health 2019-2020 Flu Monitoring Archives . website, May 2, 2020.COVID-19 Three Times More Deadly Than Flu in Florida . Newmax, May 3, 2020.BREAKING: New O’Keefe bombshell; Funeral directors express doubt about COVID death rate in epicenter of NYC . Jonathan Davis, Trending Politics, April 30, 2020.BREAKING: New CDC Coronavirus Data Cuts American Death Toll Nearly In HALF . Jonathan Davis, Trending Politics, May 2, 2020. This is a misinterpretation of the data; however, the actual deaths are lower than that reported here . This is partially explained here in .The Coronavirus Death Rate Is MUCH Lower Than the Estimates Justifying the Lockdowns . Matt Margolis, PJ Media, May 3, 2020.COVID19: Are ventilators killing people ? Kit Knightly, Off Guardian, May 6, 2020.The Target of Coronavirus Conspiracies . Conservative Research Group. May 7, 2020.COVID doctors challenge CDC’s rules on cause of death, concerned about inflated numbers . Just the News, May 8, 2020.COVID confusion: Fudged figures and muddled models . Viv Forbes, American Thinker, May 9, 2020.New COVID-19 Death Dispute: Colorado Coroner Says State Mischaracterized Death . Brian Maass, Denver News, May 14, 2020.San Diego County supervisor says six of 194 confirmed deaths are ‘pure, solely coronavirus’ deaths . A ndrew Miller, Washington Examiner, May 15, 2020.The US is Dramatically Overcounting Coronavirus Deaths . John Lott, Townhall, May 16, 2020.One State Amends Coronavirus Death Count and the Numbers Are Significantly Lower . Beth Baumann, Townhall, May 16, 2020.Co-existence of coronavirus with bacterial pathogen a major cause of fatalities . Yash Goyal Our Correspondent Jaipur, Tribune India, May 23, 2020.Cooking the Books on COVID-19 Deaths . Brian Joondeph, MD, American Thinker, May 26, 2020.Dr John Lott: COVID-19 Death Toll May be HALF What’s on Record . Patriotic Viral News, June 1, 2020.Study: Dems COVID19 Lockdown Measures Causing Most Deaths . Joel Smalley, Principia Scientific International, June 27, 2020.Non-COVID Deaths Rise During Pandemic . Newsmax Health, July 2, 2020.Is the COVID Surge More Fake News ? Brian Joondeth, American Thinker, July 2, 2020. Texas can’t even count their test positive cases correctly. “State health officials acknowledged they have been releasing inaccurate figures because they were combining the number of positive COVID-19 antigen tests with the number of positive antibody tests.” Senator Scott Jensen talks facts . YouTube video, July 6, 2020. Death certificate confusion . New CDC report shows 94% of COVID-19 deaths in US had contributing conditions . Fox8 News, August 30, 2020.CDC – Weekly Updates by Select Demographic and Geographic Characteristics . Updated on August 26, 2020.CDC – Excess Deaths Associated with COVID-19 . Updated on August 26, 2020.It seems that the Wuhan virus’s risks have been grossly exaggerated . Andrea Widburg, American Thinker, August 31, 2020. Up to 90% of PCR Tests for COVID-19 May Be False Positives . Jeff Brown, Bonner and Partners, August 31, 2020. The Covid-19 Pandemic is Ending . James Robertson, American Thinker, September 3, 2020.New CDC Report Vindicates Montana Doctor: COVID-19 Death Rate Inflated +1500% . Montana Daily Gazette, August 31, 2020. Dr. Annie Bukacek of Kalispell did her best to try warning Montanans that the death rate of COVID-19 was being stretched and contorted by misleading death certificates. Now confirmed. [See #5 above] In Unprecedented Move CDC Stops Tracking Influenza for 2020-21 Flu Season . We Are The News, November 5, 2020.A closer look at US COVID-19 Deaths Due to COVID-19 . Yanni Gu, The Johns Hopkins Newsletter, November 27, 2020.Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID-19 Has ‘Relatively No Effect on Deaths’ in U.S. Deleted After Publication . Conservative Journal, November 27, 2020.Average age of death from COVID-19 about same as normal life expectancy . Michale Bielawski, True North Reports, November 17, 2020.Have 400,000 Americans Died of Covid-19 ? Celia Farber,, January 25, 2020.Reported Cases and Deaths by Country or Territory . Uptodate Coronavirus Statistics by Worldometers.Let’s demand a recount…of COVID deaths . Thomas Siler, American Thinker, May 12, 2021.