Global Warming Fraud

The COPS25 meeting in Madrid is coming to an end. However the alarmism promoted by the UN IPCC is continuing to unravel. Here are some ongoing examples of why this is so.
The COPS25 meeting in Madrid is coming to an end. However the alarmism promoted by the UN IPCC is continuing to unravel. Here are some ongoing examples of why this is so.
The UN Climate Change Conference (COPS25) will be held in Madrid, December 2-13 this year. The battle between the Climate Change Alarmists and the those who believe that alarmism is not warranted is heating up. You can find out the details of the COPS25 agenda here. There will be …
Global Warming alarmism continues to be exposed for what it is.
S. Michael Craven wrote a six-part series of weekly articles, sponsored by Breakpoint starting on April 10, 2019, responding to “Green Politics” and why it matters. All six articles are written from the perspective of a Christian worldview and illustrate the truth and relevance of Christianity to all of life …
There is no doubt that the average global temperature has increased over the last 150 years or so. The earth’s climate has always been changing over the last two millennia. However, climate scientists disagree on two things: 1) are the recent climate changes largely caused by man? [CO2?] and 2) …
The Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) publishes a weekly report in fulfillment of their objective to challenge government environmental policies based on poor science. The latest report can be found here. I find their weekly comments to be very insightful. You can get a feel for their work by …
In the November 10, 2018 issue of The Week That Was (TWTW) Archives published by the Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP), Ken Haapala, President of SEPP, answers the question posed in the title of this article with a quote from Freeman Dyson, a well-regarded …
As an independent nuclear physicist I have done extensive analysis of, and written about, the Global Warming issue over the last ten years. Based on my research I have determined that 1) CO2 cannot drive Global Warming (GW) to the extent predicted by the …
The book by this name was released last month by CFACT (Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow). It was written by Marc Morano, the Communications Director for CFACT and executive editor and chief correspondent for the award-winning website. More on Marc Morano can be found here. …
Al Gore has been and continues to be the most visible GW alarmist today. He has made a number of predictions about the impact of CO2 on GW over the last few decades. His book and film on An Inconvenient Truth in 2006 provide the record of many of his …