Global Warming Fraud

The COPS25 meeting in Madrid is coming to an end. However the alarmism promoted by the UN IPCC is continuing to unravel. Here are some ongoing examples of why this is so.
Articles of some length.
The COPS25 meeting in Madrid is coming to an end. However the alarmism promoted by the UN IPCC is continuing to unravel. Here are some ongoing examples of why this is so.
Global Warming alarmism continues to be exposed for what it is.
I recently listened to a short YouTube video clip segment in which Dr. Lawrence Krauss tries to explain how a universe can come from nothing in his book A Universe From Nothing to Stephen Colbert, host of the CBS talk program The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Dr. …
The word evolution can have many meanings. We use the word evolution here to refer to neo-Darwinian evolution (particles to people). I recently published an article on Challenging All Evolutionists in which I challenged evolutionists to refute any one of the four reasons presented that life did not, cannot, …
S. Michael Craven wrote a six-part series of weekly articles, sponsored by Breakpoint starting on April 10, 2019, responding to “Green Politics” and why it matters. All six articles are written from the perspective of a Christian worldview and illustrate the truth and relevance of Christianity to all of life …
There is no doubt that the average global temperature has increased over the last 150 years or so. The earth’s climate has always been changing over the last two millennia. However, climate scientists disagree on two things: 1) are the recent climate changes largely caused by man? [CO2?] and 2) …
I had occasion to watch an interview with Dr. Stephen Meyer, philosopher of Science and Director of the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle, on a recent Dr. John Ankerberg show, in which Dr. Meyer presents the four great discoveries of modern science …
This is in response to the March 17 letter to the editor written, asking “Why is there a bias against science education?”
Why the bias against science? The letter presumes that bright students will not go into many …
I came across this YouTube recording by “Rationality Rules”on the topic of “The Watchmaker Argument – Debunked (Teleological Argument – Refuted)” and just had to respond to it. The writer’s basic argument is that all complexity does not require a designer, leading into his argument …
The Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) publishes a weekly report in fulfillment of their objective to challenge government environmental policies based on poor science. The latest report can be found here. I find their weekly comments to be very insightful. You can get a feel for their work by …