
CO2 Cannot Drive Global Warming (GW) & GW Alarmism (GWA) Is Not Warranted

I’ve been analyzing the claims made by GW Alarmists as an independent scientist since 2009, The detailed Analysis Report produced as a result of this analysis was distributed to a number of climate scientists (including prominent members of the UN IPCC Committee) and other interested parties. My conclusions and recommendations can be found here. This report, An Independent Analysis of Global Warming, has been updated a number of times over the years and includes more than 120 technical references.

As a result of my studies, I have identified at least sixteen reasons how the GW claims made by the alarmists are not substantiated by the evidence. GW alarmism is not supported by the facts and is not warranted. A non-problem does not require a drastic policy decision. Here are the sixteen reasons:

  1. Climate has always been changing over the last thousands of years.
  2. CO2 is required for life, increases food production, and is not a pollutant.
  3. The science is not settled.
  4. CO2 cannot drive Global Warming.
  5. Total Solar Irradiation can cause significant fluctuations in the climate.
  6. Pacific Decadal Oscillations (PDO) can cause significant fluctuations in the climate.
  7. Full implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement would have almost no effect on the climate, even by 2100.
  8. UN IPCC climate models are not realistic.
  9. Surface weather stations give less accurate and higher average temperatures than satellite measurements.
  10. Polar bears are thriving, not becoming extinct.
  11. Sea Levels are not rising as fast as predicted.
  12. Arctic sea ice is not  disappearing.
  13. Weather extremes are not increasing.
  14. UN IPCC Charter limits it to identifying only human causes of GW.
  15. UN IPCC officials admit that its real agenda is to redistribute wealth.
  16. The alleged “97% consensus” of scientists is bogus.

Technical references for each of these reasons are provided in this supporting document RefutingGWA.pdf. One of the references is the Recording of, and the Powerpoint slides used in, the presentation made to the WA State Senate Committee on Climate Change by Dr. Don Easterbrook, Professor of Geology at Western Washinton University, and a specialist in global climate change. A recent Powerpoint presentation made by Dr. Heinz Lycklama on What About Global Warming? provides further support for these sixteen reasons. I challenge GW Alarmists to disprove any of the sixteen reasons by providing the technical evidence and references for their claims.

Dr. Heinz Lycklama (PhD in Nuclear Physics)

Some More Recent References

  1. – Comments on Global Warming – explanation of causes, etc.
  2. – NOAA Data Tampering.
  3. – The Real Science Deniers.
  4. – Climate Chaos Claims.
  5. – More on NOAA Data Tampering.
  6. – Authored by NPICC.
  7. – NOAA Data Tampering Exposed.
  8. – Data Tampering by GISS.
  9. – More evidence of data tampering.
  10. – Spencer’s comments on data tampering.
  11. -US Warming due to NOAA data tampering?
  12. – A Fact Check disclaimer about NOAA data tampering.
  13. – Cosmic Ray Climate Link.
  14. – A Climate Science Tutorial.
  15. Did Hurricanes Florence and Michael Provide New Evidence for Manmade GW? Calvin Beisner, October 22, 2018.
  16. What’s Wrong with the Claim that “97% of Climate Scientists Agree” about GW? Neil Frank, PhD, June 8, 2017.
  17. New UN IPCC report warns of yet another tipping point!, Climate Depot Commentary, Marc Morano, October 8, 2018.
  18. Trump right on climate! point by point analysis of the 60 Minutes interview, CFACT, October 2018.
  19. Analysis: Trump KO’s “60 Minutes” on Climate Change – Trump’s skeptical remarks were scientifically, politically and economically accurate. Marc Morano, CFACT, October 2018.
  20. Les Miserables of Climate Drama, Cornwall Alliance, October 22, 2018.
  21. Four Reasons Alarmists Are Wrong on Climate Change, Vijay Jayaraj, April 26, 2018.
  22. See Gore Admit Global Warming Warning Torqued, October 2018.
  23. Al Gore was wrong (again): Greenhouse Gas emissions dropped nearly 3% in Trump’s First Year. EPA Report by Daily Wire News, October 28, 2018.
  24. Update – Bombshell: Audit of GW data finds it riddled with errors. Anthony Watts, October 11, 2018.
  25. Climate Alarmism is Just a Fairy Tale. Vijay Jayaraj, October 11, 2018.
  26. It’s Not About The Climate – It Never Was. Dr. David Legates, March 4, 2019.
  27. THE LATEST CC Reference Articles can be found here.

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