The COPS25 meeting in Madrid is coming to an end. However the alarmism promoted by the UN IPCC is continuing to unravel. Here are some ongoing examples of why this is so.
- Trump Science Advisor Will Happer Says Global Warming Is a ‘Scam’ for the following reasons. [December 7, 2019] Happer first came to believe this when he was Director of Energy Research in the Clinton administration before being sacked by Al Gore because he was asking too many questions about climate research. “We are here under false pretenses, wasting our time talking about a non-existent climate emergency” says Happer.
- Climate Depot’s Marc Morano issued the 36-page Skeptical Climate “Talking Points” Report at COPS. This talking points memo is designed to arm people with the voices of the rising number of scientists, the latest data, peer-reviewed studies on key facts so they can better engage in climate change debate with those advocating the UN/Al Gore/Green New Deal positions. There is no “climate emergency”.
- UK MET Office is Guilty of “Climate Fraud” Says Leading Astrophysicist”. Piers Corbyn, leading astrophysicist and founder of the weather forecasting company WeatherAction, has accused the UK Met Office of climate fraud, dishonesty and promoting propaganda. Corbyn claims that the statistics prove “they are committing climate adjustment, otherwise known as fraud.” Also worth noting is how these charts always begin in 1979, the very end of mid-century cooling period. See Figure 1 below. Data is being “cherry-picked” to support the UN IPCC agenda.
- Temperature anomaly for the last 2000 years. Figure 2 below shows that today’s highest average temperatures are lower than the highest average temperatures during the medieval period.
- The main stream media would have us believe that the annual number of acres burned in forest fires in the US has increased as the amount of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere has increased. Looking at the data from 1916 to 2006 in Figure 3 we see that this is far from reality. Again, data is being “cherry-picked” to support the UN IPCC agenda.
- NASA Predicts Next Solar Cycle Will Be Lowest in 200 Years (Dalton Minimum Levels) + The Implications. NASA is effectively forecasting a return to the Dalton Minimum (1790-1830) but gives no mention of the brutal cold, crop loss, famine, war and powerful Volcanic eruptions associated with it. See NASA prediction in Figure 4 below.
Figure 1. Red data published in May 2015; Blue data is most recently published.

Figure 2. Medievel Warm Period and Little Ice Age puts today’s temperatures in perspective.

Figure 3. Total acreage burned in the US has significantly decreased from the 1930’s to today.

Figure 4. NASA’s prediction of solar cycle in 2025.