Refuting the Debunking of the Watchmaker Argument

The Watchmaker Argument Supported

I came across this YouTube recording by “Rationality Rules”on the topic of “The Watchmaker Argument – Debunked (Teleological Argument – Refuted)” and just had to respond to it. The  writer’s basic argument is that all complexity does not require a designer, leading into his argument that evolution can be explained by random chance processes. We know from experience that order and design are not produced by random chance processes. My brief response to the writer’s illogical argument follows here.

Nothing debunked here. Totally illogical argument. Remember everything can be explained by one of three concepts: 1) Random chance, 2) Necessity (Law), or 3) Design. Fork, spoon, watch, pen, book, etc. are all designed – they all require an intelligent mind. No exception has been identified. Laws of nature explain some things, e.g. law of gravity, 2nd law of thermodynamics, law of cause and effect, law of conservation of energy, laws of motion, etc. Random chance processes have no purpose, no goal, no objective, etc.- random chance processes cannot produce a living organism with complex information. Bill Gates is quoted as saying “Human DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any software ever created”. For a more detailed explanation see my lecture on “Refuting Evolution” here –


Dr. Heinz Lycklama

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